
Lichen sclerosus

Dette er en tilstand karakterisert ved utslett, kløe, smerte og ubehag rundt kjønnsåpningen. Lichen sclerosus er en kronisk hudbetennelse som medfører hvite flekker og tynn og skjør hud. Tilstanden kan gi hudforandringer både på kjønnsorganene og .

Lichen sclerosus er en vanlig kronisk hudsykdom som rammer bÃ¥de menn og kvinner. Lichen sclerosus rammer huden i underlivet, og gir inflammasjon og . Lichen sclerosus is a long-term problem of the skin. It mostly affects the genital and anal areas.

Sometimes, lichen sclerosus appears on the upper body, breasts, . Lichen sclerosus (LIE-kun skluh-ROW-sus) is an uncommon condition that creates patchy, white skin that’s thinner than normal. Lichen sclerosus is a long-term skin condition that mainly affects the skin of the genitals. It usually causes itching and white patches to appear . Authoritative facts about the skin from DermNet New Zealand. Lichen sclerosus is a chronic inflammatory skin condition which can affect any part of the skin, but in females it most often affects the vulva skin and the skin. Learn about the skin disease lichen sclerosus, and get information about its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. Lichen sclerosus is a skin condition that mainly affects the vulva in women and the penis in men.

It most commonly occurs in middle-aged women.

Synonyms: lichen sclerosus et atrophicus, balanitis xerotica obliterans, lichen albus, white spot disease, Csillag’s disease, kraurosis vulvae Lichen sclerosus. I am years old and have had lichen sclerosus for at least ten years. I am interested in anyone’s treatment of Lichen Sclerosis, and how it worked. Lichen sclerosus (LS) is a chronic inflammatory dermatosis that in white plaques with epidermal atrophy and scarring. Lichen sclerosus is a relatively uncommon condition in which thin white crinkly patches appear on the skin. It can appear anywhere, but is most troublesome in . The most popular theory is that lichen sclerosus is caused by auto-immune dysfunction but nobody has been able to prove this.

Lichen sclerosus (LS) is a skin disorder that causes the skin to become thin, whitene and wrinkle and can cause itching and pain. Vulval lichen sclerosus and lichen planus are skin conditions that commonly affect the vulva. They occasionally develop into vulval cancer. Lichen sclerosus (said “like-en skler-oh-sus”) is a skin condition that makes patches of skin look white, thickened and crinkly.

Lichen sclerosus (say: “like-en skler-oh-sus”) is a skin condition that can cause itching, a rash and scarring. It usually affects the genital and anal areas, but you .