Yet it’s not a permanent correction, naturally in a normal temperature they look the same even though I used . The unique and revolutionary Avent Niplette provides a permanent cure for inverted nipples. Through gentle suction the Avent Niplette pulls the nipple out .
So did anyone on this site used the Avent Niplette and did it work? My question is, how ‘permanent’ are the affects?
I left his office and kept the idea of the Niplette in the back of my mind. It may not be a permanent cosmetic solution. I thought surgery was the only permanent correction! I tried the ‘AVENT niplette’ for a while but found that apart from falling off during the night . Thanks to revolutionary and unique Niplette, invented by a plastic surgeon known in the UK, allows a permanent and painless cure. Avent Niplette is a safe and discreet device that can offer a permanent solution for inverted and flat nipples. Avent Niplette is suitable for both men and women.
Packaging states the niplette ‘provides a permanent cure’ for women. The Niplette: an instrument for the non-surgical correction of inverted . Continue reading “Innover nipler”