The only way to know for sure is to get tested. When this happens, the HIV infection can lead to the development of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). As HIV progresses, there may be bouts of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and weight loss.
Depending on the phase of the infection, symptoms of HIV can vary. Gå til Third Stage: AIDS – AIDS is the advanced stage of HIV infection. HIV earlier, you may realize it after you have some of these symptoms:.
If you think you may have been infected with HIV, please read about symptoms of HIV, or find a place near you to get a free, confidential HIV test.
Symptoms of HIV are really similar to other illnesses like flu, so you can’t tell if you. Learn about the symptoms (or lack of them) of HIV infection, those of other viruses or anxiety, and those of advanced HIV (also known as AIDS). Symptoms of early HIV infection, also called primary HIV infection or seroconversion, and AIDS (late-stage HIV infection).